Andre Klass Wins Final 2020 Straw Poll

A message from Andre regarding his major straw poll win in the Casselberry Chamber hob nob, which was the final straw poll for his race in the 2020 campaign season: "Last night the Casselberry Chamber of Commerce released the results of their virtual straw poll, and I am absolutely blown away by the results. Of the approximately 1,500 local residents who participated, I won the poll with an astounding 45% of the vote! Some of my supporters have asked me, what sets this straw poll apart from all the others over the past few months? From my perspective, the answer is clear. First, the lack of displayed political affiliations meant that partisan biases would not be present here. Voters didn't necessarily...

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Andre Klass Becomes First 2020 BOCC Candidate To Achieve Ballot Qualification

Andre Klass Ballot Qualifying

After over a year of collecting candidacy petitions, Libertarian Party candidate Andre Klass has officially exceeded the required threshold of 3,037 signatures, securing his position on the ballot as the first qualified candidate in the race for Seminole County Commission District 5. "I am truly grateful to the many Seminole County residents who signed my petition to help me reach this very important milestone," said Andre Klass, candidate. "It means a lot to be earning the faith and trust of our local citizens who believe in me to lead our county in a more positive direction." Klass was originally the very first candidate to file for the District 5 seat, which is presently held by retiring incumbent Brenda Carey. Despite...

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Andre Klass Graduates from Seminole County Fire Department’s Citizens Academy

Andre Klass, candidate for Seminole County Commission District 5, is celebrating his graduation from the Seminole County Fire Department's Citizens Academy program! During the 10 week class, Andre had the opportunity to learn all about the different workings of the fire department, including the roles of firefighters and EMTs, special hazards and operations, fire prevention and code enforcement, administrative functions, 911 dispatch, and the resource structure of the emergency operations center. Andre even got first hand experience wearing professional gear, putting out real fires, and learning CPR! "It is incredible to experience what Seminole County's finest do for us each and every day, and this is something I could never forget," said Andre Klass, Candidate. "These brave men and women...

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Andre Klass Graduates from Sanford Citizens Academy

Andre Klass receives certificate from Jeff Triplett and Patty Mahany

Andre Klass, candidate for Seminole County Commission District 5, is celebrating his graduation from the City of Sanford's Citizens Academy program! During the 10 week class, Andre had the opportunity to learn more about various aspects of municipal government operations, including the functions of elected and administrative offices, planning & zoning, recreation, public works, police, fire rescue, economic development, and budget management. "It is very admirable that the City of Sanford has implemented such an engaging and insightful program aimed at educating its residents," said Andre Klass, Candidate. "Everyone involved was very motivated and excited to be able to showcase what they do." The Seminole County government formerly had its own Citizens Academy, but it was ended years ago. Andre...

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Andre Klass Files Candidacy for Seminole County Commission District 5

Andre Klass, a lifelong resident of Seminole County, is pleased to announce the launch of his campaign for county commissioner, becoming the very first candidate to file for the District 5 seat in the 2020 election. Andre is running under the Libertarian Party affiliation, with a core platform of improving responsibility and accountability in our local government. "To see the change that I want there to be, I knew that I would have to become the force of that change that I wanted to see," said Andre Klass, Candidate. "I put a lot of thought into how I could make the most positive impact for my local community, and I decided that the very best way would be to run...

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